Animals are not property to be owned, objects to be used, slaves to be taken advantage of, or machines to be put to work. They are not here for our enjoyment or benefit.
FEELS GOOD - Ladies Muscle Shirt
Animals are not property to be owned, objects to be used, slaves to be taken advantage of, or machines to be put to work. They are not here for our enjoyment or benefit.
Like humans, they are sentient beings and they deserve to live free from exploitation and abuse.
Wear this shirt and spread a message of justice for animals!
Thank you!
(Price in AUD)
100% Organic Cotton | Made Ethically in Bali | Screen Printed by Hand
T-shirt Size Guide
X-Small : W/41cm L/70cm
Small : W/43cm L/72cm
Medium : W/45cm L/74cm
Large : W/47cm L/76cm
X-Large : W/49cm L/78cm
XX-Large : W51cm L/80cm